
Robin Konrad

Monolith Conqueror | Cloud Native | Event-Driven | Azure | Sociotechnical Systems Architect 👨‍💻

Event-Driven Architectures on Azure - done right @ Azure Bootcamp Switzerland

Talking about 🚀 This month i held my talk about Event-Driven Architectures (EDAs) @ Azure Bootcamp Switzerland. It was really a joy and a pleasure to get the opportunity to do this talk. Event-Driven architectures (EDA) are becoming increasingly popular as a way to build scalable, responsive, and resilient systems. In this talk, we will explore the benefits of EDA and how to implement it on Azure. It will cover key concepts of EDA, such as Event Sourcing, CQRS, Event-based communication, event-driven data processing and its matching services on Azure (e.

Talking @ Azure Bootcamp Switzerland

Talking about 🚀 I’m happy to share that I will speak about Event Driven Systems on Azure and how they are done right at the Azure Bootcamp Switzerland in Bern this year. Speakers Banner About Azure Bootcamp Switzerland Azure Bootcamp SwitzerlandAzure Bootcamp Switzerland is a 100% community-driven one-day conference around Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing platform in Switzerland. The conference takes place once a year. Azure Bootcamp Switzerland provides a whole day of curated content aorund Azure with the aim to go beyond level 100 talks and bring value and examples from the field.

iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture Advanced Level®®

I did it! 🚀 After today’s defense of thesis about web applications, I’m pleased to announce: I passed the exam and be certified as iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture Advanced Level®. iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture Advanced Level® The CPSA Advanced Level (CPSA-A®) is the next reasonable step after passing the Foundation Level and consists of a training mixture to gain knowledge in three areas of competence: methodology, technology and communication.

Bounded Context Canvas V5 released

Bounded Context Canvas The impressive DDD-Crew provides Version #5 of the Bounded Context Canvas . A great collaborative tool for designing, documenting and discussion of a single bounded context. What’s new? With version 5 of the Bounded Context Canvas a few changes. Mostly smaller ones but really helpful in your daily work. 😀 Description was renamed to Purpose The previous called “Description” was renamed to “Purpose”. Field “Assumptions” added You make any assumption during creating of the Bounded Context Canvas, make them explicit!

Kusto Detective Case #5 😎

Completed Case #5 🔍 I just completed case #5 of the Kusto Detective Agency. 👌 As of the last cases the complexity increases from riddle to riddle. BUT be careful and don’t overthink the task. The mystery is solvable. 😆 Kusto Detective Agency - Case #5 Badge Microsoft Azure Data Explorer Issued 2022-11-13 - No Expiration Date Verify What is Kusto Detective Agency Microsoft provides a series of riddles to proof and improof your big data analysis skills using Azure Data Explorer with a free-tier Kusto Cluster.

Go little rockstar 🚀

After more than 3 years working at bofrost*, building a complex event driven solution. I am extremely happy to take on the new opportunity as Azure Cloud/Solution Architect at Xpirit | Part of Xebia. I will use my experience to build EPIC cloud nativ applications and to build great engineering cultures. You’re looking for a new opportunity of work and be ready to DO EPIC SHIT? Just feel free to have a look at our awesome team and fill in an application.